Thursday, August 5, 2010

Beautiful Little Porcelain Doll

Beautiful little porcelain doll

1ft high, long golden locks, rosy cheeks, and a smile that makes you stand so tall.

You’ve a beautiful face and out for show- a real treasure to have.

Your painted face and crafted smile hide the fact you’re sad.

You keep it well hidden beneath those layers.

As you focus on the smile to hold back the tears.

Your paint hides the flaws that you don’t wish the world to see.

Flaunt your beauty proudly-don’t let anyone know just how sad you may be.

You were once displayed so proudly- a treasure of the eye.

The next moment cast aside-put away- in a box you had to hide.

What was it you did? Did your beauty too shortly fade?

Were you no longer appealing? Or no longer the type that was craved?

Beautiful Little Porcelain Doll

What once made you stand so tall,

is now the thing that breaks you and makes you feel so small.

You’ve been pushed around, tattered and neglected

Your paint has chipped- no longer as beautiful as it was. You feel so rejected.

Hoping for a crack in all the darkness.

Wishing the sun could once again touch upon your cheeks.

Let it warm up the paint and slowly coat your face.

Give your smile back it’s shine- prove again you’re beautiful.

And earn back your place.

But will it ever happen? How many years must you wear before it even comes?

And when it does will you already be too far worn to even try and care?

Beautiful Little Porcelain Doll

Your paint no longer hides your scars- and yet you stand so tall.

You stand so strong when you’re fragile and weak.

Your true beauty is in your heart-

You Beautiful Little Porcelain Doll

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